Whitmer Signs Lowering MI Costs Plan
Update: Mar 6-24, 2023
On March 8, Governor Whitmer signed a $1.3 billion supplemental appropriations bill that funds economic development incentives for Ford to build a new electric vehicle battery plant in Marshall, recruitment and retention dollars for healthcare workers, and funding for community violence intervention grants. Specifically, the following were included:
- $630 million for Ford Motor Company’s new EV battery plant to be built in Marshall, MI
- $75 million to support health care recruitment and retention programs
- $67 million to support long term care workforce recruitment and retention programs
- $63.5 million to increase long term care reimbursement rates
- $10.8 million to establish and office of community violence intervention services
- $60 million for a competitive grant program to provide grants to community centers
- $170 million to deposit in the state’s Strategic Outreach and Attraction Reserve Fund (SOAR)
- $25 million to deposit in the Water Shutoff Prevention Fund
- $212 for energy efficiency updates completed by homeowners/landlords